Sufficient means of subsistence in Poland/sufficient financial

Sufficient means describes the minimum of the financial means that you need to cover the costs of living in Poland. Their amount may be changed. Currently the minimum is 776PLN per month if you are in a single household or 600PLN per person in a family household. Starting from January 1, 2025, these amounts will be 1,010 PLN for a single-person household and 823 PLN for an individual in a family.

The documents that confirm having sufficient funds are:

  • traveller's cheque,
  • certificate from the bank with the information about the limit on your credit card, issued not earlier than one month before the date of submitting the application for temporary residence permit,
  • certificate of having means of payment in a bank established in Poland, issued not earlier than one month before the date of submitting an application for a temporary residence permit,
  • document confirming the granting of a national or foreign scholarship,
  • certificate of employment and amount of salaries, issued not earlier than one month before the date of submitting the application for a temporary residence permit.

The financial contribution to cover the costs of return travel to the country of origin is as follows:

  • 200 PLN if you come from a country neighbouring with Poland,
  • 500 PLN if you come from another than neighbouring with Poland EU-country,
  • 2500 PLN if you come from a non-EU country.

If you have a return ticket to your home country, you do not need to have the money to cover your return travel costs.

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