EU citizens

A formal request for entry and remain in Poland needs to be signed and submitted to the competent authorities on a valid application form. The form is specified by law. A current application form you will find on our website: files to download

An application submitted on not valid/current application form and/or not signed is considered as a formal error/formal deficiency.


It is a document confirming your access to national healthcare services in each member state of the European Union and also in the European Free Trade Association area.


It is a document that proves that you have lived in Poland, e.g. tax returns (PIT), work papers, certificates of employment, employment contracts etc.


EU-Citizen’s family members are:

  • your spouse, your child, your spouse's child under 21 years of age who is economically dependent on you or your spouse; 
  • your parent or your spouse's parent, who is economically dependent on you or your spouse. 

A member of the family EU-Citizen family is an EU's citizen as well as a non-EU citizen. 


There are documents without which the initiation of the proceeding is not possible, for example: completed and signed application form, photographs, a valid travel document (passport) etc.

The procedure of the application formal assessment is an initial stage during which your application form is being verified. All the required documents are being checked to enable the procedure of legalization of your stay. This stage of your procedure is the initial stage.

