EU citizens

Fundusz Azylu, Migracji i Integracji (w skrócie FAMI) to mechanizm finansowy zastępujący Europejski Fundusz na rzecz Uchodźców, Europejski Fundusz na rzecz Integracji Obywateli Państw Trzecich oraz Europejski Fundusz Powrotów Imigrantów, funkcjonujące w ramach Programu ogólnego SOLID „Solidarność i zarządzanie przepływami migracyjnymi”.


It is an undamaged photo, coloured, with a good focus; with dimensions 35 mm x 45 mm; taken not earlier than within 6 months before the date of submitting your application; showing your face image from the top of head to upper part of your shoulders, in a way that  your faces covers 70-80 % of the photo, clearly showing the eyes, especially the pupils, the eye line should be parallel to the top of the photo; on a bright uniform background, showing you looking straight with opened eyes, uncovered hair, with a natural face expression and closed mouth, and also imaging a nat


The Schengen Area countries include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Italy, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, as well as Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland (the last four are non-EU Schengen countries).

See also: The Schengen Area and the European Union


A written statement authorising a designated person to obtain information on the state and course of your case. The scope of authorisation covers only access to information. To authorise a person to receive information is not the same as the power of attorney.


A notary public is a lawyer appointed by the Minister of Justice, authorized to draw up notarial deeds and other notarial papers, such as, i.e. notarially authenticated copy/certified copy, notarial power of attorney, notarial certificate. Documents prepared before a notary following the law are public domain documents. Find a notary public.


Any proceedings suspended on your request you can reopen anytime by submitting a request to reopen proceedings. It doesn't require any special justification. All you have to do is write that the suspended proceedings can be taken up again. Do remember to let us know if there are any changes to your address. You have 3 years to request to reopen your case, counted from the suspension date. After that, we shall assume, that you do withdraw your application altogether and your case will be closed.


A family member who is not an EU citizen retains the right of residence in Poland in the case of:

1) the death of an EU citizen, if he stayed with him on the territory of the Republic of Poland for a period of not less than a year before the day of the death of the EU citizen;

2) divorce or annulment of a marriage with an EU citizen if:


European Economic Area (EEA) - a free trade area and common market, including European Union and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries, with the exception of Switzerland.

The EEA includes: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia (not fully), Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary, Italy.

