We kindly inform you that the central system POBYT is under construction which will influence e.g. fingerprinting. Therefore, the possibility of scheduling an appointment to the Department for Foreigners in Poznań and Office's delegations (Kalisz, Konin, Leszno, Piła) has been limited until further notice.
Currenly, appointments available for scheduling are:
In Poznań:
CUDZOZIEMCY -- Odbiór karty pobytu (FOREIGNERS – residence card collection)
CUDZOZIEMCY - Uzyskanie stempla (pieczątki) w paszporcie (wyłącznie wnioski ze statusem pozytywna weryfikacja formalna) (FOREIGNERS – obtaing a stamp in the passport (only for applications that fulfilled all formal requirments including personal appearance)
In office's delegations (Kalisz, Konin, Leszno, Piła):
CUDZOZIEMCY - Odbiór karty pobytu (FOREIGNERS – residence card collection)