Any proceedings suspended on your request you can reopen anytime by submitting a request to reopen proceedings. It doesn't require any special justification. All you have to do is write that the suspended proceedings can be taken up again. Do remember to let us know if there are any changes to your address. You have 3 years to request to reopen your case, counted from the suspension date. After that, we shall assume, that you do withdraw your application altogether and your case will be closed.
Permanent residence
If the purpose of the stay for which you have obtained the permit has ceased, your permit may be canceled. If the purpose of your stay has changed and you still want to stay in Poland, submit a new application indicating new circumstances.
In accordance with art. 6 section 1 of the Repatriation Act, evidence confirming Polish origin may be documents issued by Polish state authorities or church authorities, as well as by the authorities of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, regarding a foreigner or his parents, grandparents or great grandparents, in particular:
This term covers all manifestations of the existence of your ties with the Polish nation, such as knowledge and cultivation of Polish speech, Polish customs, traditions, culture.
A permit to remain in Poland, which is granted for an indefinite time. The condition for applying for this type of permit is, i.e. your legal stay in Poland for at least 5 years. Learn more about the procedure.
A permanent residence permit is a permission to remain in Poland, which is granted for an indefinite time. This authorization is given in specific cases. Learn more about the procedure.
It is a positive decision that brings the examination of your application for the legalization of stay/work permit issued in the form of a decision to an end.
It is an official form of expressing your objection to a provision, e.g. to return your application or to suspend the proceedings. You have 7 days from the date of receipt of your decision to lodge your complaint. You submit your complaint in writing with your signature. If your complaint is lodged within the 7 days’ time limit, the execution of the decision will be suspended.
It is a putting of the examination of your application on hold, e.g. you may request it in case of leaving Poland for a few months. You can request to suspend the procedure and continue it after your return to Poland. In such a case you need to apply for suspension.
The right to live in a specific home where your life centre is located, where your family, personal and property affairs are concentrated. During the examination of your application, we will require a document that confirms that you have a guaranteed residence in Poland.