Accessing Case Files - Rules

  1. Accessing case files allows for the review of case documents in the presence of a Department employee, as well as the ability to take notes, make copies, or extract information. However, this does not include providing explanations, discussing the case, accepting additional documents, or certifying copies as true to the originals.
  2. This service is available at the Department for Foreigners in Poznań (pl. Wolności 17) and at branch offices in Kalisz, Konin, Leszno, and Piła.
  3. Case files can only be accessed at the location corresponding to the office handling the case. For example, if a case is processed at the Foreigners' Affairs Branch in Kalisz, the files will only be available there.
  4. The number of available appointments per week is limited.
  5. The waiting time for an appointment depends on the volume of requests, which are processed in chronological order of receipt.
  6. Case files may be accessed upon request by the concerned party or an attorney authorized to represent them, effective on the day the request is submitted.
  7. If the requesting attorney does not provide a valid power of attorney along with the required fee, an appointment cannot be scheduled.
  8. A Department employee will contact the applicant to arrange an appointment date.
  9. Once an appointment date is set, it is not possible to change the case(s) covered during the visit.
  10. The maximum duration of a file review session is 30 minutes.
  11. For requests involving multiple cases where the estimated review time exceeds 30 minutes, additional appointments may be scheduled based on calendar availability.
  12. Arriving more than 10 minutes late may result in the denial of access to the files.
  13. The presence of the case handler is not guaranteed during the file review.
  14. During the appointment, only the foreigner and their attorney may be present at the designated station.
  15. A translator may accompany the applicant if authorized by a separate power of attorney to participate in the proceedings.
  16. Before granting access to the files, the identity of the authorized individual will be verified. No other persons will be admitted.
  17. The party or attorney must confirm the review of the files by signing a record, which will be included in the case files.
  18. If the applicant or attorney fails to attend the scheduled appointment, the request for access will be considered fulfilled, and the absence will be documented in the case files.


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