
A fixed term residence entitlement for the purpose of seasonal work is a temporary residence permit, which is granted when your aim of stay in Poland is to execute a seasonal work. Seasonal industries are defined by law. This permit is granted for the period of validity of the seasonal work permit and is issued by the local head of self-government (Starost). It entitles you to remain in Poland during its validity period.


A fixed term residence entitlement is a temporary residence permit, which is granted when the purpose of a foreigner's stay in Poland is to execute work as an officer, specialist in a branch or in a representative office of a parent employer whose registered office is located outside the European Union. The application for such a permit shall be submitted by the receiving unit in which the foreigner will perform work on the territory of Poland. Detailed information


A fixed term residence entitlement to work in a highly qualified profession is also called the “EU Blue Card”, a type temporary residence permit, which is granted when the purpose of your stay in Poland is to work in a profession requiring higher professional qualifications, e.g. tertiary education. This permit entitles you to stay in Poland and work for the employer under the conditions specified in the decision. Detailed information can be found on our website.


A fixed term residence and work entitlement is a temporary residence permit granted when your purpose of stay in Poland is to work. This permit entitles you to stay in Poland and work for the employer under the conditions specified in the decision. More information 


It is a positive decision that brings the examination of your application for the legalization of stay/work permit issued in the form of a decision to an end.


It is an official form of expressing your objection to a provision, e.g. to return your application or to suspend the proceedings. You have 7 days from the date of receipt of your decision to lodge your complaint. You submit your complaint in writing with your signature. If your complaint is lodged within the 7 days’ time limit, the execution of the decision will be suspended.


It is a profession that by law requires specific professional qualifications, e.g. a lorry driver, a teacher, a doctor.


It is a putting of the examination of your application on hold, e.g. you may request it in case of leaving Poland for a few months. You can request to suspend the procedure and continue it after your return to Poland. In such a case you need to apply for suspension.


The right to live in a specific home where your life centre is located, where your family, personal and property affairs are concentrated. During the examination of your application, we will require a document that confirms that you have a guaranteed residence in Poland.


Sufficient means describes the minimum of the financial means that you need to cover the costs of living in Poland. Their amount may be changed. Currently the minimum is 776PLN per month if you are in a single household or 600PLN per person in a family household. Starting from January 1, 2025, these amounts will be 1,010 PLN for a single-person household and 823 PLN for an individual in a family.

The documents that confirm having sufficient funds are:

