Employment of a Foreigner

Created on: 01.02.2020

A residence card issued by another Schengen state country entitles you to stay for a tourist purpose in other Schengen member states (including Poland) for a period not exceeding 90 days during each 180-day period. The residence card alone does not entitle you to work.

Regulation: A foreigner is entitled to work in the territory of the Republic of Poland if s/he has a work permit and resides in the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of a residence permit issued by another country of the Schengen area.

Created on: 01.02.2020

Yes. The party (your employer) may submit an application for issuing a duplicate of your work permit, confirmed as being true to the original. The stamp duty for issuing a duplicate of a decision is 5PLN for each started page of the decision (so if the decision has two pages, the fee for its duplicate will be 10PLN).

Payments for stamp duty should be made to the bank account of the Poznań City Hall:

Poznań City Hall Financial Department

Budget Income Section, 61-706 Poznań, ul. Libelta 16/20

No. 94 1020 4027 0000 1602 1262 0763

Created on: 01.02.2020

You can work as long as you were entitled to work immediately before submitting the application - that is, you had a temporary residence and work permit or work permit, and after submitting the application you will work on the conditions that were indicated in the permit.

If you did not have the right to work in Poland before submitting your application, you will be able to work on condition that your employer will obtain a work permit or a declaration on entrusting work to a foreigner from the Employment Office for you.

Created on: 01.02.2020

The most common mistakes made when submitting applications for a foreigner's work permit are the following:

  • failure to mark point 5.3 of the application (point 6.3 of the application for the extension of the permit) regarding the punishment of a foreigner. Please tick the appropriate box, one of two;
  • incomplete or complete omission of the relevant spaces in a form regarding the criminal record of the employer (Annex No. 15). The statement has six points, but eight answers, there should be as many ticks left by the employer;
  • signature of the above mentioned attachment by Attorney-in-fact. This declaration can only be made by the employer. In the case of companies, the statement is signed by persons authorized to represent listed in the National Court Register (KRS), and civil partnerships - all partners;
  • failure to provide the foreigner's address of work in the application;
  • failure to attach to the application submitted by a natural person a valid ID card or travel document;
  • attaching one page of a copy of the foreigner's passport - copies of all completed pages are required;
  • failure to submit the original of power of attorney.
