You do not have to wait for your permit to be withdrawn. Make sure to apply for a new residence and work permit, as soon as possible. Remember that you are not allowed to work for your new employer on the basis of your residence card without a valid work permit (unless you hold another document entitling you to work for your new employer, such as a declaration on entrusting work to a foreigner or a work permit.
The stamp does not entitle you to take up legal employment in Poland. In order to work legally, you need to fulfil one of the following conditions:
Type A work permit is a document that authorises you to work legally in Poland, on condition that you hold a valid visa/other entitlement to stay in Poland. It is issued at your employers request.
Temporary residence and work permit entitles you to stay as well as work legally in Poland, under conditions indicated in the permit. It is issued at your request.
No. If you would like to receive a residence card, you need to apply for temporary residence permit. The form for the replacement of the residence card can be submitted when the data contained in your current residence card have changed. If your current residence card that is about to expire, and you would like to prolong your stay in Poland, you should apply for another residence permit.
- submission of a wrong application form (for example: submission of application form for the replacement of the residence card while attempting to apply for a temporary residence permit);
- not submitting ANY application form;
- submitting only Annex No 1 when applying for a temporary residence and work permit (note: In this case, two forms should be submitted: 1. a fully completed application form for temporary residence 2. Annex No 1 completed by your employer);
- failure to complete all required fields in an application form;