Only once and only immediately after graduating from university. Learn more
You can perform work and your decision will not be changed, because it does not determine the conditions of work.
You are obliged to inform the appropriate province governor about the change in your employer in order to confirm, that the reason for granting permit still applies and that you still fulfill the requirements to for the temporary residence permit.
Yes, but you will not have the free labour market access. Remember that you are obliged to have a work permit in order to perform work in Poland.
A full-time studies graduation diploma of Polish university entitles to work without the obligation of having work permit.
You can apply for this temporary residence permit immediately after graduating from university. Learn more
Yes, you are. Remember to include in the justification, next to the indicated purpose of your stay for looking for a job, that the graduation will not be in a few months so that this will be taken into account in case of a request to complete some documents or issue a decision. If the deadline for the graduation is delayed and you want to suspend the proceedings, you can do so, but remember that your stay will not be legal after the expiry of your visa, visa-free travel or your residence card.
...permit in releation with business activity?
If you own shares in a company, you are on the management board, apply for a temporary permit for business purposes. If you own shares and are employed in the company in another position, such as a florist, you will additionally need to obtain a separate work permit for that position. However, if you are, for example, a graduate of a full-time university in Poland or a post-secondary school in Poland, you are exempt from having a work permit for an additional position, e.g. a florist, according to § 1 point 15 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of April 21, 2015 on cases in which it is permissible to entrust work to a foreigner in the territory of the Republic of Poland without having to obtain a work permit.
If, in the situation of owning shares in a company and performing a statutory role, you would apply for a temporary residence and work permit, we will refuse to initiate the proceedings. However, if the information that you own shares in a company and perform a statutory function in it is disclosed after it has been initiated, the proceedings will be discontinued. You do, however, have the option to reclassify your application from a temporary residence and work permit to a business residence application.
You can work in a different position in the company in which you perform the function on the management board, after obtaining a type A work permit.
Yes, you must demonstrate that you have a stable and regular source of income. A confirmation document may be: a resolution appointing a member of the management board, an agreement based on which you perform work as a member of the management board.
If you employ at least 2 Polish citizens or foreigners entitled to work in Poland, for the period of time minimum 1 year preceding the submission of the application, the company does not have to meet the other financial conditions, but you must have a stable and regular income.
Why can I not obtain a temporary residence and work permit while being a partner in another company?
If you submit an application for temporary residence and work permit, while being a partner in the company, the proceedings for temporary residence and work will not be initiated. However, if the information that you have shares in the company is disclosed after its initiation, the proceedings will be discontinued.
This is due to the provisions of the Law on Foreigners.