Created on: 03.04.2020
The answer reflects the legal status as of 18.04.2020.

If you are staying in Poland under the visa-free regime and the period of your legal stay ends during an epidemic hazard or state of epidemics, i.e. on or after 14 March 2020, the period of your stay under the visa-free regime is automatically extended until the 30th day following the cancellation of an epidemic emergency or epidemic state (the one that will be last in force) based on the regulations introduced on 18 April 2020.

In the case of foreigners staying in Poland based on short-term residence titles (including under the visa-free regime), deeming the stay legal will apply only to persons who were in Poland on 14 March 2020 based on such titles. It does not apply to persons who entered Poland later - in such a situation the foreigner may benefit from a conditional legal stay and apply for a residence permit in an extended period.
Created on: 03.04.2020

Yes, if the last deadline for submitting your application was during an epidemic emergency/epidemic state and you have already applied for a temporary residence and work permit, your stay is considered legal. If you hold a valid work permit or a declaration of entrusting a work, you can continue your employment with the same employer until the end of the procedure.

Created on: 03.04.2020
The answear refers to the legal situation in force from 18 April 2020

Following amendments of regulations introduced on 18 April 2020 residence cards are automatically extended until the 30th day following the date of cancellation of the epidemic state/epidemic emergency (the state that was last in force). This is an exceptional solution and was introduced due to the need to limit as much as possible the direct customer service by the state administration in the face of the prevailing epidemic. The government of the Republic of Poland reported the introduction of this solution to the European Commission and other countries so that foreigners holding extended documents can travel within the Schengen area.

However, until the position of individual states is known, this does not guarantee the entry into their territory.

Therefore, before starting your journey, make sure that you will be able to enter the territory of a given country based on an extended document. It referes to e.g. persons  moving for professional activity purpose. The best source of information will be the national border services.

Regardless of the possibility of crossing the borders at the moment, your stay in Poland is legal and your permit is indefinite.

Created on: 03.04.2020

The extended deadline for submitting an application for a residence permit, e.g. temporary residence permit, permanent residence permit, residence permit for a long-term resident of the EU, refers to those, who entered Poland after 14 March  2020, and to whom any of the other regulations of the special act do not apply, e.g. extending the period of validity of a temporary residence permit (Article 15d paragraph 3 of the special act) or extending the period of stay and validity of a national visa (Article 15d paragraph 1 of the special act). Extending the deadline to submit application is only possible on the condition that the end of the legal stay of a foreigner on the territory of the Republic of Poland falls from 14 March 2020 until the epidemic emergency or epidemic state (the last state that was in force) is canceled.

Created on: 03.04.2020

You can send your application by post at any time, up to the 30th day following the date of the cancellation of the epidemic state/epidemic emergency (the last one applicable).

Created on: 03.04.2020

Your status depends on when your residence card has expired. If the permit expired before 14/03/2020 and you did not manage to apply on the last day of legal stay at the latest, your stay in Poland cannot be considered legal.


If the validity of your permit expires after the 13/03/2020, i.e. after the state of the epidemic threat was announced, you are still staying in Poland legally. According to the regulations introduced on the 31/03/2020, the validity of your permit is automatically extended until the end of the 30th day following the date of cancellation of the epidemic state/epidemic emergency (the one that was in force last). You can apply by post only. If you do not have this option, the so-called anti-crisis shield legislation provides the extension of the deadlines for submitting applications for residence permits, if this deadline would fall during a period of epidemic emergency/epidemic status. As before, these applications may be sent to Governors' offices up to the 30th day following the date of cancellation of the last state (epidemic emergency/epidemic status). Your stay in Poland during this period will be considered legal, provided that you apply for the legalization of your stay in this extended period.


Created on: 29.10.2024

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Created on: 29.10.2024

If you have any doubts regarding the procedure and the documents that need to be submitted, we encourage you to check the information on our portal—here you will find all the necessary details.

Take advantage of our step-by-step tips: I am staying in Poland.

If you still have questions, please use the WSC Contact button.

Created on: 29.10.2024

If you do not want us to continue processing your application, please download the application form for case dismissal from our website, available here. Complete the form, sign it, and send it by mail, submit it at the Department for Foreigners’ service point, or send it via ePUAP.

You may also apply for a refund of the administrative fee if one was paid. If you submit the refund request to us, we will forward it, along with the original payment confirmation, to the Poznań City Hall. Detailed information on the administrative fee refund process and the refund request form are available on the Poznań City Hall website and the form can be downloaded here.

Please remember to provide the bank account number to which the refunded amount should be sent (a bank account from a bank with a headquarters in Poland).

If you have also paid for a residence card, you may submit a request for a refund of that fee. Be sure to include the bank account number to which the refunded amount should be sent (a bank account from a bank with a headquarters in Poland).

The template for the residence card fee refund application can be found here. 


Created on: 11.09.2023

Jeśli otrzymałaś/eś decyzję odmowną, z którą się nie zgadzasz, na złożenie odwołania od decyzji masz 14 dni licząc od dnia doręczenia decyzji. Pamiętaj, że odwołanie musi być podpisane przez Ciebie lub ustanowionego w sprawie pełnomocnika. Odwołanie możesz przesłać za pośrednictwem Poczty Polskiej (wówczas liczy się data nadania listu w placówce), złożyć w punkcie podawczym Wydziału Spraw Cudzoziemców lub wysłać za pośrednictwem epuap. Wraz z odwołaniem możesz dosłać brakujące dokumenty. Jeżeli wszystkie brakujące dokumenty zostaną uzupełnione i odwołanie będzie zasadne i złożone w terminie oraz nie będzie zawierało braków formalnych (jak np. brak podpisu), w ciągu 7 dni wydamy nową decyzję. Jeżeli będą wątpliwości lub dokumenty nie będą kompletne, odwołanie przekażemy do organu II instancji – Szefa Urzędu ds. Cudzoziemców w Warszawie. Tam będzie rozpatrywane odwołanie.

Jeżeli nie złożysz odwołania w terminie, Twoja decyzja stanie się ostateczna. W takim przypadku, jeżeli nie masz innego dokumentu uprawniającego do legalnego pobytu i nie jesteś obywatelem Ukrainy, jesteś zobowiązany opuścić terytorium Polski w terminie 30 dni od dnia, w którym decyzja stanie się ostateczna.
