Registration of stay of the EU Citizen

Created on: 15.02.2020

If you are a EU citizen and you study in Poland you should submit application for registration of the residence of the EU citizen

In the application form you should choose study as your purpose of stay in Poland. Below you will find a list of documents that you should submit together with the application:

  • Current certificate from university (public/non-public) presented on the up-to-date form (please find the example in the attachment) or proof of undertaking vocational training 
  • Proof of having health insurance or the entitlements to use Healthcare on the basis of the regulations on coordination of social security systems or confirmation of private health insurance that will cover all medical expenses in Poland including hospital treatment. Such certificate  should include the insurer’s commitment to pay the costs of health care services  directly to the benefit of the health care services’ provider on the basis of a bill issued by the provider
  • A written statement regarding having financial resources sufficient to  support yourself and your family members, so that you are not a weight for the social security system.
Created on: 15.02.2020

If you live in Poland and you registered your stay in Poland, your spouse should submit application for a residence card for the family member of an EU citizen.

Created on: 15.02.2020

No. EU citizens have free labour market access. It means that you can work in Poland on the same basis as Polish citizens.

Created on: 15.02.2020

Yes. You should submit an application for the replacement of certificate of an EU citizen's residence registration. Remember to submit the application in person and present a valid travel document or other valid document confirming your identity (e.g. passport, national ID card).

Created on: 15.02.2020

If you intend to stay in the territory of Poland for period exceeding 3 months you are required to register your residence. You should submit application together with proper documents for your purpose of stay at the Office of Wielkopolska Province. If you fail to comply with the obligation to register your residence on the territory of the Republic of Poland you will be subjected to a fine.

Residence permit for a long-term resident of the EU

Created on: 15.04.2020

After 5 years of uninterrupted stay in Poland, you can apply for a permit of indefinite duration - the residence permit of a long-term EU resident. Details of the procedure and conditions for granting the permit can be found HERE.

Created on: 12.02.2020

No. Before your residence card expires, apply for a change of residence card. The residence permit for a long-term resident of the EU is not time limited.

Created on: 12.02.2020

If the child was born within the period of validity of the temporary residence permit, which the parent had before obtaining the long-term resident's residence permit or was born after the parent obtained the long-term resident's residence permit, then apply for permanent residence for the child. If the child was born before the parent received the temporary residence permit and the resident's residence permit, submit an application for temporary residence for the child.

Created on: 12.02.2020

Yes, apply for stamp duty refund to the President of the City of Poznan. You can also submit the application together with a request for discontinuance of the proceedings, then we will send it to the City Hall in Poznań. 
