Full-time studies

When should I apply?

You should apply for a temporary residence permit if you wish to stay in Poland for a period exceeding 3 months and your primary purpose of stay is undertaking or continuation of full-time studies:

  • in the higher education institution approved by the Minister of Interior, unless this institution is not subject to mandatory approval,
  • or in the higher education institution, which is not subject to mandatory approval  for which no decision on the prohibition of accept the foreigners was issued,

provided that the circumstances justify your residence at the territory of the Republic of Poland for the period exceeding 3 months.

You should apply for a residence permit in person before your current legal status expires (i.e. before your visa or residence card expires).

If you apply to extend your stay in Poland before the expiry date of your legal status, you can legally remain in Poland while your application is pending. Make sure you have submitted an error-free application. Your passport must be valid at this time.

Before submitting your application, read our tips on completing the application forms

Where should I apply?

  1. Visit the website mos.cudzoziemcy.gov.pl and create an account.
  2. Review the information and the list of common mistakes.
  3. Fill out the application for a temporary residence permit.
  4. Include your email address in the application. Once your application is registered by the Office, you’ll receive an access code to track the status of your case.
  5. Print the application form and sign it.
  6. Send the printed form along with the required attachments via postal service to the Department for Foreigners in Poznań or one of our regional offices.

Submit the application no later than the last day of your legal stay in Poland. If you send the application via Poczta Polska, the date of submission will be the date it is posted at the post office.

The next step will be an in-person appointment to submit your fingerprints. During the visit, you will also complete other documents required to obtain a stamp in your passport.

Learn how to submit fingerprints.
Learn how to track the status of your case.

What documents do I need?

Documents required to obtain a stamp in your passport (i.e. formal requirements)

  • Application form - fill in the on-line application or fill in the application in accordance with the instructions in 1 copy (application to be downloaded).
  • photographs
  • A photocopy of a valid travel document (the original for inspection), in a particularly justified case, when a you do not have a valid travel document and you are not able to obtain one, you may present another document confirming yourr identity.

To begin the proceedings you need to deliver also the confirmation of the payment of stamp duty


Documents required to be granted the residence permit:

First year student

If you are a first year student, the permit will be granted for the period of 15 months. If your studies in Poland do not exceed one year period, first residence permit will be granted for the period of an academic year or of studies, extended by 3 months. Below you will find a list of documents necessary to be granted a temporary residence permit for studying purpose:

  • Current certificate from university signed by the Rector or authorized person and presented on the up-to-date form (please find the example in the attachment),
  • An authorised copy of the evaluation card (when continueing studies on second semester)
  • Proof of payment of the tuition fees for the given academic year if you undertake or continue paid studies or proof of exemption from the tuition fees,
  • Proof of health insurance,
  • Confirmation of having sufficient funds to cover the costs of your stay in Poland for at least 15 months period (after deducting the housing costs), return ticket to the country of origin and costs of studies (sufficient financial resources for students)
  • Declaration regarding housing costs (download here)*

Please remember to submit all of the documents in original or in certified copy.

*Declaration regarding housing costs does not apply to citizens of Belarus

If you submitted your application before April 27th 2019, you perform work and you are a first-year student, the temporary residence permit for studying purpose will be denied.

Subsequent-year student

If you are a student of the subsequent year, temporary residence permit for studies will be granted for the period of studies, extended by 3 months however in any case not exceeding 3 years.

Below you will find a list of documents necessary to be granted a temporary residence permit for studying purpose:

  • Current certificate from university signed by rector or authorized person and presented on the up-to-date form (please find the example in the attachment),
  • Authorised copies of the evaluation card
  • Proof of payment of the tuition fees for the given academic year if you undertake or continue paid studies or proof of exemption from the tuition fee,
  • Health insurance,
  • Confirmation of having sufficient funds to cover the costs of your stay in Poland with the reference to the period of studies however not exceeding 3 years period (after deducting the housing costs), return ticket to the country of origin and costs of studies (sufficient finacial resources for students),
  • Declaration regarding housing costs (download here).*

Please remember to submit all of the documents in original or in certified copy

*Declaration regarding housing costs does not apply to citizens of Belarus

Preparation course for full-time studies in Poland

You will be granted the temporary residence permit for studying purpose if you are taking part in a preparation course for full-time studies in Poland. The permit will be granted for the period of the preparation course extended by 3 months.

Below you will find a list of documents necessary to be granted a temporary residence permit for preparation course purpose:

  • Current certificate from university signed by the Rector or authorized person and presented on the up-to-date form (please find the example in the attachment),
  • Proof of payment of the tuition fees for the given academic year,
  • Proof of health insurance,
  • Confirmation of having sufficient funds to cover the costs of your stay in Poland with the reference to the period of preparation course (after deducting the housing costs), return ticket to the country of origin and costs of studies (sufficient financial resources for students),
  • Declaration regarding housing costs (download here).*

Please remember to submit all of the documents in original or in certified copy

Attention! The country whose citizens taking a preparation course for full-time studies in Poland are granted a temporary residence permit for the purpose of studying, is the Republic of Belarus. Citizens of other countries should apply for a permit due to other circumstances, i.e. course (education) in Poland.

*Declaration regarding housing costs does not apply to citizens of Belarus

EU programme studies (e.g. Erasmus) or multilateral programme studies

If you continue or complete studies taken up in the other EU Member State or if you are a student of EU programme/multilateral programme studies covering the mobility measures or an agreement between two or more higher education institutions providing for the intra-EU mobility, you will be granted the residence permit for 2 years if you are a first-year student or for the for the period of studies, extended by 3 months but not exceeding 3 years.

Below you will find a list of documents necessary to be granted a temporary residence permit for studying purpose:

  • Current certificate from university signed by rector or authorized person and presented on the up-to-date form (please find the example in the attachment),
  • Authorised copies of the evaluation card
  • Proof of payment of the tuition fees for the given academic year,
  • Proof of health insurance,
  • Confirmation of having sufficient funds to cover the costs of your stay in Poland (after deducting the housing costs), return ticket to the country of origin and costs of studies (sufficient financial resources for students),
  • Declaration regarding housing costs (download here).*

Please remember to submit all of the documents in original or in certified copy

*Declaration regarding housing costs does not apply to citizens of Belarus

What should I know?

Read our guide

After obtaining a permit, you can work in Poland without the need for a work permit.

It is your responsibility to inform the Governor who issued your permit, within 15 business days, of the cessation of the reason for granting the permit, e.g. about removing you off the student list, resigning from studies or changing universities.

I have received my decison - how to get my residence card now?

The residence card is issued after you have received your decision with your permit.

Read more: How to receive a card

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Would the print screen of my bank account satisfactory to prove that I have sufficient funds to support myself in Poland?

No, unfortunately it would not be considered as a satisfactory proof. Documents confirming that you have sufficient funds are: traveller's cheque, certificate on the limit on the credit card issued by the bank that issued the credit card, issued not earlier than one month before the date of ...

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How can I provide the proof of having sufficient funds to support myself in Poland?

Documents confirming that you have sufficient funds are: traveller's cheque, certificate on the limit on the credit card issued by the bank that issued the credit card, issued not earlier than one month before the date of submitting the application for temporary residence permit, certificate of...

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My father gives me money through his friends who travel to Poland. I don’t have an account in Poland, so what am I suppose to do now?

You should open a bank account in Poland and deposit your cash to the bank account, whose head office is located in the territory of the Republic of Poland. Documents confirming that you have sufficient funds are: traveller's cheque, certificate on the limit on the credit card issued by the bank...

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What happens if a student repeats a year of studies?

Temporary residence permit might be denied if you are repeating a year of studies. It is caused by lack of progress in the course of study. During the proceedings for temporary residence permit we will examine what is the reason of repeating the year by checking the report on class attendance or...

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How many hours of the Polish language course should I take in order to be granted the permit?

Period of the language course and the number of hours of the course must justify your residence at the territory of the Republic of Poland for the period exceeding 3 months. It should be a minimum of 6-8 lesson-hours per week or more.