Alerts - archive

Information and Advisory Points at CIC and Welcome Centre UAM - Important Notice


Please be advised that following the conclusion of the „Wielkopolska Region – Common Future” co-financed from The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), our information and advisory points at the Welcome Centre, Adam Mickiewicz University, and the Foreigners Integration Center in Poznań will be closed starting January 1, 2024. We are making efforts to promptly resume the operation of our point at the Welcome Centre, and updates will be provided in forthcoming announcements.

Office closed on the 2nd of January 2024


Please be advised that the Department for Foreigners will be closed on January 2, 2024.

This decision is in accordance with Regulation No. 524 issued by the Prime Minister's Office on October 24, 2023, regarding the designation of days off from work for members of the civil service corps.


Department for Foreigners Open on Saturdays


Department for Foreigners in Poznan within the project „Wielkopolska Region – Common Future” co-financed from The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), invites you to join us on Open Saturdays' information and advisory events. On 9th and 16th of December our office in Poznan will be open between 8 am and 3:30 pm.

During Open Saturdays you will be able to:

Online information session for foreigners - live and work in Poland legally


Join us via MS Teams for an online information session designed for foreigners who are currently working in Poland.

The meeting is scheduled for December 12th, 2023 at 9:00 am. The meeting will be conducted in the Polish language.

During this session, you will gain insights into the following topics:

Ukrainian and Russian version of WSC CONTACT available soon


We are pleased to announce that from Wednesday, November 15, 2023, we will make available the Ukrainian and Russian versions of the WSC KONTAKT portal. All forms, currently available in the Polish and English language versions of our new WSC CONTACT section, will soon be available for Ukrainian and Russian-speaking clients. Thus, WSC Contact will be available in all language versions of our website.

Helpline unavailable on 8th & 9th of November


We would like to inform you that on the 8th & 9th of November 2023, the Department for Foreigners' helpline will be unavailable.

Please direct all inquiries on that day using the contact forms.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Appointments on November 2nd rescheduled to November 9th


All appointments originally scheduled for November 2, 2023, whether made online or by phone, will be rescheduled for the following Thursday, which is November 9, 2023. The visiting hours will remain unchanged.

There is no need to obtain tickets on this particular day. Our staff will follow the list and manage appointments in their original order.

Reorganization of customer service in Poznań


We kindly inform you that starting tomorrow, i.e., 05.10, the online booked visits will be processed in both of our customer service locations.

For our customers, service at the counters will be available as follows:

Service Room A - desks 3-11

Service Room B - desks 15-18

Please pay close attention to the announcements displayed on the monitors in the waiting areas.

Dziś Dzień otwarty! Zapraszamy!


21 września 2023 r. zapraszamy na Dzień Otwarty do głównej siedziby Wielkopolskiego Urzędu Wojewódzkiego przy Alei Niepodległości 16/18 w Poznaniu.

W holu głównym na parterze budynku, w strefie doradczej, na stanowiskach informacyjno - konsultacyjnych będą mogli Państwo skonsultować indywidualne sprawy z zaproszonymi ekspertami z następujących instytucji:

Urząd Miasta Poznania – Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich i Uprawnień Komunikacyjnych oraz Wydział Działalności Gospodarczej i Rolnictwa,

Nadodrzański Oddział Straży Granicznej,

Starting or continuing your studies in Poland? Read on!


New academic year - updated documents

With the new academic year just around the corner, we wanted to give you a heads-up. If you've already applied but haven't heard back by the end of the current academic year, you'll need to send in some updated documents confirming:
