Alerts - archive

Brexit – warto uzyskać dokument pobytowy


Obywatele Wielkiej Brytanii i członkowie ich rodzin będący beneficjentami Umowy Wystąpienia mogą nadal składać wnioski o wydanie dokumentu pobytowego zawierającego adnotację odnoszącą się do Umowy Wystąpienia (jeśli jeszcze tego nie zrobili).

Important announcement - change in the legality of stay - the state of epidemic emergency renounced on July 1, 2023


The state of epidemic emergency has been renounced, effective on July 1, 2023. Therefore, extensions of legal residence of foreigners based on national visas, temporary residence permits ane extended deadlines will no longer continue on the 30th day following the date of cancellation of an epidemic/epidemic emergency, i.e. 31 of July 2023r. 


* Regulation of the Minister of Health of June 14, 2023 on the state of epidemic emergency in the territory of the Republic of Poland (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1118)

Information point in CIC - new office hours


Please be advised that  starting from June 26, 2023 onwards the information desk at the Center for Integration of Foreigners will be on duty only on Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Temporary interruptions in access to the Helpline of the Department for Foreigners


On 12th June 2023 there may occur some temporary problems with the access to the Helpline of the Department for Foreigners. 

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by reasons beyond our control. It has been reported to the operator.


New opening time of the Information Point at CIC


We kindly inform you that starting from the 1st June 2023 the Information and Advisory Point at the Foreigners' Integration Centre in Poznań (CIC) will be open on Monday, Tuesday, Thrusday and Friday.

Opening hours remain the same.


Come and visit us!

Our information point at CIC closed on Wednesday - 31st May 2023


We kindly inform you that on this Wednesday 31st May 2023, our information point at CIC at Nowowiejskiego 25 Street in Poznań will be closed.

We will be open on Thursday 1st June 2023 as usual.

Useful information on organizing school trips with foreign pupils


A new information tab has appeared on our website regarding the procedure for organizing trips with foreign pupils from third countries in Polish schools.

We explain what formalities can be met when preparing such a trip within the school and what documents to prepare so that crossing borders in the EU goes smoothly.

We encourage you to read the information :-)

Changes in migration law


On 7th April 2023, an amendment to the Act on Foreigners and certain other laws entered into force (with the exception of certain regulations that will enter into force later). The new regulations adjust the national law to the union changes in the Schengen Information System and make other changes to the regulations, e.g. facilitating obtaining the EU long-term resident status.

Changes in the regulations regarding granting of residence permits for long-term resident of the European Union - knowledge of the Polish language

15th-16th May 2023 – change of organization of Customer Service Rooms in Poznań


Due to the modernization of one of the customers service room in the Department for Foreigners at Plac Wolności 17 in Poznań on 15th and 16th May 2023 all appointments for personal appeariance scheduled:

  • By phone,
  • By website,
  • In person at AMU Welcome Centre

will take place in Customer Service Room „A”.


The following services will be provided at Customer Service Room „B”:
