Alerts - archive

WSC CONTACT in English language version from 18.09.2023


We are pleased to announce that from Monday, 18.09.2023 we will make the English language version of the WSC CONTACT portal available. All forms currently available in the Polish language version of our new WSC CONTACT forms tab will be available to English-speaking clients. 

We strongly encourage you to take advantage of the WSC CONTACT!

The launch of the other language versions of the portal - i.e. Ukrainian and Russian - is planned for the last quarter of 2023.

CIC Information Point - on 21.09 the Point will be closed


On Thursday 21st of September, our Information Point located at the Center for Integration of Foreigners will be closed due to the Open Day for Foreigners organized by the Department of Foreigners Affairs.

We would like to invite you again in regular office hours on Thursday, 28th of Septemebr, 2023.

Legal stay during full-time studies – find out how! Online information session for foreigners studying in Poland


Join us via MS Teams for an online information session designed for foreigners who are currently studying in Poland as full-time students.

The meeting is scheduled for September 26th, 2023 at 9:00 am. The meeting will be conducted in the Polish and English language.

Open Day for Foreigners


Join us for the Open Day organized by The Governor of Wielkopolska Province and the Department for Foreigners. The event will take place at The Office of Wielkopolska Province in Poznan at 16/18 Niepodległości Avenue on 21st of September 2023 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The WSC Contact is now up and running!


Starting today, a new, expanded contact tab with our Department - WSC Contact - is available.

For details about this informational project, carried out as part of the "Wielkopolska Region - Common Future" project, co-financed by the National Fund for Asylum, Migration, and Integration and the state budget, we wrote about it HERE.

We recommend giving it a try!

Streamlining Contact and Enhancing Information Accessibility with WSC Contact


We are pleased to announce that we will soon be providing our customers with a new, expanded tab for contacting our Department - WSC Contact.nstead of the existing contact forms, we're introducing a dedicated solution to enable our customers to reach our Department in a quick and efficient way.

Open Day for Foreigners


Join us for the Open Day organized by The Governor of Wielkopolska Province and the Department for Foreigners. The event will take place at The Office of Wielkopolska Province in Poznan at 16/18 Niepodległości Avenue on 21st September 2023 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

We invite all foreigners living in Wielkopolska Province, especially refugees from Ukraine. During the event you will gain insights into the process of legalizing your stay in Poland and have possibility to consult individual cases with our invited experts in the advisory zone.

Online information session for foreigners employed in Poland with plans for permanent residency


Join us via MS Teams for an informative online session designed for foreigners who are currently employed or seeking employment in Poland with the intention of establishing permanent residency.

The meeting is scheduled for September 12th, 2023.

During this session, you will gain insights into the following topics:


Poland. Business Harbour - istotne informacje dla uczestników programu i posiadaczy wizy PBH


W związku z aktualizacją programu „Poland. Business Harbour”  cudzoziemiec posiadający wizę z adnotacją „Poland Business Harbour”, której ważność wygasa z dniem 31 lipca 2023 r. w związku z upływem okresu przejściowego po odwołaniu stanu zagrożenia epidemicznego, a który złożył wniosek o udzielenie zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy w celu prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej przed 31 lipca 2023 r.może kontynuować wykonywanie działalności gospodarczej na podstawie art. 4 ust. 2 pkt 6 ustawy z dnia 6 marca 2018 r.
