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Join Us for the Open Hours with the employees of Department for Foreigners at AMU Welcome Centre: full-time students only


Department for Foreigners in Poznan within the project „Wielkopolska Region – Common Future” co-financed from The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), invites you to join us for open hours with the employees of the Department, dedicated to foreign students.

Open Hours will take place at AMU Welcome Centre, Święty Marcin 78 Street (corner of Kościuszki Street) in Poznań on 31st May 2023 between 11:00am – 3:00 pm.

During Open Hours you will be able to:

Information Point at CIC (Foreigners' Integration Centre) closed 27th-28th April 2023


We kindly inform you that on 27th and 28th April 2023 our information point at CIC, Nowowiejskiego 25 Street in Poznań will be closed.

We will be open on Wednesday 26th April.Opening hours remain the same. Come and visit us!

Residence permits for Ukrainian citizens under temporary protection


Citizens of Ukraine who have a PESEL number with UKR status, from 1st April 2023 will be able to submit an application for a temporary residence permit for the purpose of  work or business activity. This solution is directed to those, who want to resign from the use of temporary protection.


We encourage to read the announcement of the Head of the Office for Foreigners.

Open Saturdays in the Department for Foreigners


Department for Foreigners in Poznan within the project „Wielkopolska Region – Common Future” co-financed from The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), invites you to join us for information and advisory events. On 18th and 25th March (Saturdays)  our offices in Poznan, Kalisz, Konin, Leszno and Piła will be open for extra hours between 8 am and 3:30 pm.

During Open Saturdays you will be able to:

Opening of the Foreigners' Integration Center in Poznań


Department for Foreigners in Poznan within the project „Wielkopolska Region – Common Future” co-financed from The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF),

invites you for information and advisory service 

every Thursday between 8am-2pm in Foreigners' Integration Center, Nowowiejskiego Street 25 in Poznan portal - get information, prepare an application or a letter, avoid mistakes


Office for Foreigners has launched a new website at

We encourage you to read the announcement of  Office for Foreigners about the functionality of the  Moduł Obsługi Spraw (Case Handling Module).

Information and Advisory hours on Saturdays


Department for Foreigners in Poznan within the project „Wielkopolska Region – Common Future” co-financed from The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), invites you for information and advisory events. On 10th and 17th December (Saturdays)  our offices in Poznan, Kalisz, Konin and Piła will be open for special services between 8 am and 3:30 pm. Our office in Leszno will be open as well but on 10th December only (no service on 17th December in Leszno).

During those hours you will be able to:

The Submission Point in the Department for Foreigners in Poznan


The Submission Point in the Customer Service Room „A”  at Plac Wolności 17 in Poznan is now open. Points are located in Customer Service Room B, where you can submit documents related to matters handled by the Department for Foreigners.

Opening hours

Point 1: Monday-Friday 8:15am - 3:15pm

Point 2: Monday-Friday 11:45am - 3:15pm

Skrócone godziny obsługi ze względu na awarię prądu 17.08.2022


Ze względu na awarię prądu w budynku na pl. Wolności informujemy o skróconych godzinach obsługi w dniu dzisiejszym:

- klienci którzy nie zostali/nie zostaną obsłużeni w Poznaniu, a mieli zarezerwowane wizyty zostaną poinformowani o nowym terminie wizyty drogą mailową

- infolinia jest nieczynna od 13.30 do końca dnia.

Za niedogodności bardzo przepraszamy.
