We kindly inform that it will be possible to collect residence cards in the Department for Foreigners in Poznan, Kalisz and Konin on the last two Saturdays of July (23rd and 30th July).
If you are a citizen of Ukraine, you reside in Wielkopolska Provice and you work as a driver in international transport and you stay in Poland on the basis of a national visa, which was extended under the Act of 12 March 2022 on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with an armed conflict on the territory of this country, you can get a visa sticker to confirm it. This solution can only be used by those citizens of Ukraine - drivers in international transport, who are holding a national visa with the symbol "D", which:
Ukrainian citizens who came to Poland from 24th February 2022 from the territory of Ukraine in connection with hostilities conducted in the territory of that country and who have started or intend to work in Poland as drivers in international transport may submit an application for a temporary residence and work permit within 9 months from the date of entry to Poland.
a stateless person or a citizen of a third country and before 24.02.2022 you had a refugee status or an equivalent protection in the territory of Ukraine, or you are a family member of such a person, provided that you were living together in the territory of Ukraine
a stateless person or a citizen of a third country and before 24.02.2022 you have legally resided in Ukraine on the basis of a permanent residence permit and you cannot return to your country of origin
The law on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict in the territory of this country results in the exemption from the obligation to have a work permit for all Ukrainian citizens legally residing in Poland. This also applies to Ukrainian citizens who have already been granted a temporary residence and work permit under a special procedure.
The current situation on the Polish-Ukrainian border gives the opportunity to activate various types of criminal groups trying to achieve quick profit by taking advantage of the dramatic situation of people fleeing Ukraine because of military aggression and humanitarian catastrophe. The war background and the movement of large groups of refugees require special attention to the problem of crime and also counteracting pathological attitudes or indecent treatment of people.