Alerts - archive

Additional submission point in April at the headquarters of the Department for Foreigners in Poznań - UPDATE


We kindly inform you that starting from April 18, 2024, the opening hours of submission points located at 17 Wolności Square will change. 

Here are the revised opening hours for the Submission Point at Service Room B:

Mondays: 9:30 am to 3:15 pm

Tuesday to Friday: 8:15 am to 3:15 pm

Additionally, please note the revised opening hours for the Submission Point in Service Room A at 17 Wolności Square, effective April 18, 2024:

Monday through Friday: 8:15 am to 3:15 pm

Update: New Registration Procedure for Collecting Documents for EU, UK Citizens, and Polish ID & Travel Docs


We kindly inform you that as of March 19, 2024, there will be a change in the registration process for visits to collect documents issued to EU citizens, their family members, beneficiaries of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Withdrawal Agreement and their family members, as well as for the collection of Polish travel documents and Polish identity documents.

To collect one of the aforementioned documents, please book a visit on our website.

Zmiany w systemie rezerwacji wizyt - Piła


Uprzejmie informujemy, że rezerwacja wizyt na osobiste złożenie wniosku w delegaturze w Pile nie będzie dostępna do 25.03.2024 r.

Jeżeli nie ma możliwości złożenia wniosku osobiście do ostatniego dnia legalnego pobytu, dla zachowania terminu wniosek należy przesłać w wersji papierowej pocztą. Adresy znajdują się tutaj:

Liczy się data nadania korespondencji w placówce pocztowej.

Extension of the period of legal residence of Ukrainian citizens under temporary protection


We kindly inform you that the legal stay of Ukrainian citizens (and specified members of their families) who arrived in Poland between February 24, 2022, due to the ongoing armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine, has been extended until June 30, 2024.

Zmiany w systemie rezerwacji wizyt - Konin


Uprzejmie informujemy, że rezerwacja wizyt na osobiste złożenie wniosku w delegaturze w Koninie nie będzie dostępna do odwołania.

Jeżeli nie ma możliwości złożenia wniosku osobiście do ostatniego dnia legalnego pobytu, dla zachowania terminu wniosek należy przesłać w wersji papierowej pocztą. Adresy znajdują się tutaj:

Liczy się data nadania korespondencji w placówce pocztowej.

Zapraszamy na konsultacje i spotkania dla pracodawców w zakresie zatrudniania cudzoziemców


Zapraszamy pracodawców z całej Wielkopolski do skorzystania z konsultacji indywidualnych online na temat procedury uzyskiwania zezwoleń na pracę dla cudzoziemców oraz spotkań informacyjnych online dedykowanych dla pracodawców w zakresie zatrudniania cudzoziemców posiadających lub starających się o zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy i pracę.

Dzięki spotkaniom pracodawcy mogą dowiedzieć się jak prawidłowo wypełniać wnioski.

Szczegóły dotyczące konsultacji i spotkań informacyjnych w linku.

Important information regarding appointments at the Department for Foreigners on 9th Fabruary 2024.


With concern for the highest quality of service and respect for other
customers of the Office we kindly request you to come on time to the scheduled appointment.
We kindly ask those customers with appointments at the Department for Foreigners scheduled on 9th Fabruary 2024, to take into account possible communication problems that may occur in connection with the
 the farmers' protests announced for that day and the possible blockade of the city.

"Wielkopolska - Common Future" - Summary of Activities in 2023


On December 31, 2023, we successfully concluded the implementation of a project co-financed by the National Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration and the state budget entitled "Wielkopolska - Common Future." Initiated in November 2022, the primary objective of this project was to facilitate the integration of Ukrainian refugees in the Wielkopolska province through comprehensive initiatives led by the Office Wielkopolska Province in collaboration with four regional partners: Caritas Archdiocese of Poznań, the Association for the Promotion and Development of Civic Initiatives PISOP, the

Visit our information and advisory point at the AMU Welcome Center of Adam Mickiewicz University


We are extending an invitation to all the full-time students and academic staff from every university in Poznań to visit our special information and advice desk.

Our desk is open every Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can find us at the AMU Welcome Center of Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań, located at św. Marcin 78 Street (corner of Kościuszki Street).

During these hours, full-time students, as well as doctoral students and university faculty, can:

Interruption in the hotline service - 16.01.2024


On the 16th of January 2024, the Department of Foreigners' hotline will be inactive from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM due to a planned power outage.

We will inform you about the resumption of the hotline's operation.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

