A spouse of a Polish citizen

When should I apply?

You should apply if you are a spouse of a Polish citizen and you stay in Poland continuously (uninterrupted residence) for not less than 2 years based on a temporary residence permit granted due to this marriage, and it has passed at least 3 years after getting married.

You should apply for a residence permit in person before your current legal status expires (i.e. before your visa or residence card expires). If you apply to extend your stay in Poland before the expiry date of your legal status, you can legally remain in Poland while your application is pending. Make sure you have submitted an error-free application. Your passport must be valid at this time.

Before you apply, read our tips on how to fill in an application form.

Where should I apply?

  1. Visit the website mos.cudzoziemcy.gov.pl and create an account.
  2. Review the information and the list of common mistakes.
  3. Fill out the application for a temporary residence permit.
  4. Include your email address in the application. Once your application is registered by the Office, you’ll receive an access code to track the status of your case.
  5. Print the application form and sign it.
  6. Send the printed form along with the required attachments via postal service to the Department for Foreigners in Poznań or one of our regional offices.

Submit the application no later than the last day of your legal stay in Poland. If you send the application via Poczta Polska, the date of submission will be the date it is posted at the post office.

The next step will be an in-person appointment to submit your fingerprints. During the visit, you will also complete other documents required to obtain a stamp in your passport.

Learn how to submit fingerprints.
Learn how to track the status of your case.

What documents do I need?

Documents needed to obtain a stamp in a passport (so-called formal defects):

  • Application form - fill in the on-line application or fill in the application in accordance with the instructions in 1 copy (application to be downloaded)
  • 4 photos,
  • Copy of your valid travel document (original for inspection). In exceptional cases where you have no valid travel document and you cannot obtain it, you can present a different document confirming your identity.

Stamp duty proof of payment is also required to begin the proceedings.


Documents needed to grant the permit:

All documents need to be submitted in original/certified copy

 What should I know?

I have received my decison - how to get my residence card now?

The residence card is issued after you have received your decision with your permit.
Read How to receive residence card

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I have a Pole's Card - what documents do I have to submit to obtain permanent residence in Poland?

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