
It is a payment for submitting an application, for granting the permit and other official activities. The amount of fees is specified by law. You will find information about the required fees on our website (check it here).

There is an extra payment required for issuing the residence card. The amount will be specified in the instruction of the decision for a residence permit (100PLN/50PLN, depending on the type of permit issued).

The financial assistance for holders of the Pole's Card is a monetary benefit awarded upon application, for a maximum period of 9 months, for covering the costs of relocation of a foreigner who: 

For more inormation see our website.

Any time, when you apply for a temporary residence permit/permanent resident permit/residence permit for EU long-term resident/replacement of residence card, your fingerprints will be recorded. Fingerprints are required from all applicants who have turned 6. If you send your application via post, your attendance will be required to provide fingerprints. Fingerprints are taken by electronic means of capturing fingerprints. Fingerprints are stored on your residence card to identify the holder of the card.

Learn how to submit fingerprints.

There are documents without which the initiation of the proceeding is not possible, for example: completed and signed application form, photographs, a valid travel document (passport) etc.

The procedure of the application formal assessment is an initial stage during which your application form is being verified. All the required documents are being checked to enable the procedure of legalization of your stay. This stage of your procedure is the initial stage.

In the case of formal deficiencies in your application form, we will send you a letter informing you about that fact, and you will be requested to complete them in an appropriate time.

If you fail to complete the missing information that you have been asked for, your application form will not have proceeded – it will be left without examination.

If your application form does not contain formal shortages or they are completed, then your proceeding for stay legalization will be initiated.

Your application form is going to be verified as to whether it is possible to grant a residence permit in Poland.

It is a form of tertiary education which involves attending classes for the whole working week, from Monday to Friday. It relates to any education pursued beyond the high school level, i.e. undergraduate and graduate certificates, bachelor's, masters and doctoral degrees. See also: Part-time studies

Fundusz Azylu, Migracji i Integracji (w skrócie FAMI) to mechanizm finansowy zastępujący Europejski Fundusz na rzecz Uchodźców, Europejski Fundusz na rzecz Integracji Obywateli Państw Trzecich oraz Europejski Fundusz Powrotów Imigrantów, funkcjonujące w ramach Programu ogólnego SOLID „Solidarność i zarządzanie przepływami migracyjnymi”.

Celem ogólnym FAMI jest przyczynianie się do skutecznego zarządzania przepływami migracyjnymi i do realizacji, wzmacniania i rozwoju wspólnej polityki w zakresie azylu, ochrony uzupełniającej i ochrony czasowej oraz wspólnej polityki imigracyjnej.

Więcej informacji o FAMI na stronach Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji: www.fundusze.mswia.gov.pl oraz www.copemswia.gov.pl.

Więcej o naszych projektach: https://www.poznan.uw.gov.pl/fundusz-azylu-migracji-i-integracji-fami