Studia/nauka/badania naukowe

Created on: 31.10.2021

You can find the procedure for applying for a permanent residence permit for holders of the Pole's Card HERE

Created on: 31.10.2021

You can apply for a temporary residence and work permit.

For tempoprary residence permit as a university graduate looking for a job you can apply directly after graduation, when you are looking for a job in Poland.

Created on: 31.10.2021

Yes,  graduates of full-time studies in Poland have full access to the labor market and can work without a work permit in Poland.

Created on: 31.10.2021

No. The documents that confirm having sufficient funds can be found here.

Created on: 31.10.2021

No. Only as a post-secondary school graduate you will have full access to the labor market in Poland.

Created on: 31.10.2021

No. Documents confirming the place of residence are e.g.: a lease agreement or a declaration of providing a place of residence. If you apply for a temporary residence permit for studying purpose (full-time studies), it is enough to submit a declaration of housing costs.

Created on: 12.10.2021

An application for temporary residence should be submitted for each family member separately: for a person studying in Poland it will be an application for temporary residence due to studies, for family members an application for temporary residence in order to reunite with the family (the same application form only indicated another purpose of stay). A complete set of separate documents must be submitted for each application, fees for each application separately.

Created on: 12.10.2021

Decission letter legalize the stay in Poland but it not a document authorizing to cross the border. With the decision, you can legally leave Poland straight to your country of permanent residence, there will be no possibility of transit, e.g. from Poland via Germany to your country of permanent residence. A residence card with a passport entitles you to cross borders.

Created on: 12.10.2021

If your current main purpose of stay in Poland is full-time studies, you can apply for temporary residence permit for students. We might though ask you for additional documents regarding explanation of change of purpose of stay.
