My spouse has a residence permit

When should I apply?

You should apply if you intend to stay in Poland for more than 3 months and if the spouse to whom you join on the territory of the Republic of Poland holds:

If you are in Poland, you should apply for a residence permit in person before your current legal status expires (i.e. before your visa or residence card expires).

If you are staying outside of Poland and want to join your spouse who lives in Poland and has one of the above mentioned permits, the application for temporary residence permit in order to reunite with the family is made on your behalf by the spouse to whom you want to come. Your written consent is required to submit an application on your behalf. Consent is equal to granting the power of attorney to your spouse residing in Poland to act on your behalf in the proceeding.

If the spouse with whom you want to live in Poland does NOT have any of the above-mentioned residence titles, we will consider your application for temporary residence permit on the terms set out for a foreigner whose spouse is applying for the first temporary residence permit. Check the terms of the permit.

Before you apply, read our tips on how to fill in an application form.

Where should I apply?

  1. Visit the website and create an account.
  2. Review the information and the list of common mistakes.
  3. Fill out the application for a temporary residence permit.
  4. Include your email address in the application. Once your application is registered by the Office, you’ll receive an access code to track the status of your case.
  5. Print the application form and sign it.
  6. Send the printed form along with the required attachments via postal service to the Department for Foreigners in Poznań or one of our regional offices.

Submit the application no later than the last day of your legal stay in Poland. If you send the application via Poczta Polska, the date of submission will be the date it is posted at the post office.

The next step will be an in-person appointment to submit your fingerprints. During the visit, you will also complete other documents required to obtain a stamp in your passport.

Learn how to submit fingerprints.
Learn how to track the status of your case.

What documents do I need? 

If you are in Poland and you submit the application on your behalf:

Documents required to obtain a stamp in your passport (i.e. formal requirements)

To start the proceedings will also be needed confirmation that you have paid the stamp duty


Documents required to be granted the permit:

All documents are submitted in original / certified copy.

If you are outside of Poland and the application on your behalf is submitted by your spouse living in Poland:

Documents required to initiate the proceedings (i.e. formal requirements)

To start the proceedings will also be needed confirmation that you have paid the stamp duty


Documents required to be granted the permit:

All documents are submitted in original / certified copy.

What should I know?

Read our guide

The requirement to have a stable and regular source of income is also considered met if the costs of your subsistence will be covered by the spouse who resides in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

During the procedure for granting a temporary residence permit to a foreigner's spouse, we determine whether the marriage has not been concluded in order to circumvent the provisions determining the terms and conditions of entry and stay of foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Poland. If you need to explain or clarify the evidence we have in the case during the proceedings you may be asked to provide other documents or to testify confirming the circumstances that you indicated in the application and the circumstances regarding the purpose of marriage.

A temporary residence permit for family reunion entitles you to work without the need for an additional work permit. Information on the possibility of taking up employment without a separate work permit can be found in the instructions on the decision to grant a temporary residence permit. The residence card issued in connection with the granting of this permit includes the annotation "access to the labor market".

If you are staying outside the Republic of Poland, after obtaining a temporary residence permit in order to reunite with your family, you should apply for a visa in order to implement the obtained permit. After arriving in Poland, you should apply for a residence card.

I have received my decison - how to get my residence card now?

The residence card is issued after you have received your decision with your permit. Read How to receive residence card:

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